
Lolita Week NYC: Videos & An Interview With Misako

A few weeks ago I had the chance to head to New York and speak with Misako Aoki at the Japan Society, and the week quickly became known as Misako week as Lolitas were invited along on various adventures with Misako while she was in the city. If you missed any of them, luckily youtube has you covered!

The above video is the lecture and Baby the Stars Shine Bright fashion show at the Japan Society, it's about an hour long and was incredibly fun to be a part of! If you don't know, I'm the one on the end in the Innocent World piano dress!

FCI NY also has a quick Japanese language run down of a bunch of the different events that happened that week, such as the tour bus ride and the tea party. If you want to see 100+ Lolitas crowded together, this is the video to watch!
While she was in New York, Misako was interviewed by Harajuju. Misako doesn't really give a ton of interviews, and when she does, the topic is often kept light and fluffy. I feel like an interview like this, where a Lolita icon talks about a variety of topics is really an important piece of Lolita media that helps bridge the gap between Lolita in the West and Lolita within Japan.

This was really an amazing week, and I'm so glad I had the chance to be a part of it! It was incredible seeing rooms packed full of Lolitas, and it was a rare chance to get to meet someone like Misako, who's enthusiasm for Lolita is really infectious. She just genuinely loves the fashion and wants to share that love with the world. I think we're lucky to have someone like Misako to be the current face of Lolita fashion!


  1. I read the interview with Misako, it was really interesting :) I would love to meet her in person ^^"

    1. She is really interesting! She travels around a lot too so I'm sure some day you could meet her yourself!

  2. I really loved the bit in the interview where she said that she was scouted by Kera wearing camo pants and a tank top! Somehow it's really hard to imagine Misako in that now, but it's also kind of inspirational to me since that's how I spent years dressing.

  3. I'm really glad there has been so much coverage of the event, between these videos and pics I've seen elsewhere online, because I really wanted to go! I hope there is something like this again in the near future, it sounds like it was wonderful, haha! :) I am also really looking forward to Rufflecon coverage, and I really hope my schedule allows me to attend!
