A couple summers ago I made a blog post making some pretty ridiculous Lolita trend predictions, it's always been a favorite post of mine and one I've meant to revisit for some time now! So the basic premise of this series is, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the first one, that Lolita has some pretty weird trends to begin with. Our preferred faux-fur print is baby deer spots, we wear tea cups on our heads, pair skeleton tights with super sweet dresses, and carry around purses that look like pancake mix boxes. So what sort of trends might be a little bit too weird for Lolita? Or alternatively, are just weird enough to work. This volume of ridiculous trend predictions imagines what could be popular in the upcoming fashion seasons!

Classic Lolita Armor
I can imagine Juliette et Justine starting this trend! It starts with one of their off-the wall photoshoots that, oddly enough, features real metal shoulder and arm armor paired with one of their elegant classic dresses. Soon Lolitas everywhere want to emulate this trend and are willing to drop several hundred dollars on metal armor pauldrons to vambraces (hey, it's probably not much more than the secondhand value of their JeJ painting skirts!) Thriftier Lolitas discover the famous craft foam armor tutorial that cosplayers have been familiar with for years and make their own. "Casual Armor Lolita" pops up when people don't want to go the whole nine yards and just wear pauldrons instead of the whole shebang. Arguments break out everywhere when people think that it looks too much like a costume, of course.
Bondage Pants-style Garter Belts
With the Pastel Goth trend looming above us like a big hip pastel shadow, the pastel colored bondage accoutrements are taken to the next level with bondage pants-styled garter belt systems. All the hassle of getting things stuck in the straps of your pants, without actually having to wear pants! A major shortage of sock glue, vital to holding up the garters attached to the straps, eventually causes the trend to die out. Angelic Pretty tries to revive the trend by releasing a pair of bloomers with attached bondage straps and garter belts, but Lolitas getting chairs caught in them and causing massive damage at tea houses across the world keeps the trend largely confined to photo shoots.
Brand Released Candy Jewelry
Remember when brands were tricking us into paying $30 for hair scrunchies? Well you're going to love their new line of $50 candy jewelry! Cute candy necklaces with big sugary (and completely edible!) hearts stamped with brand names, and giant ring-pops on gold plated bases pop up in various brand shops. Lolitas will go crazy for them and end up staining the collars of their blouses with half-eaten candy necklaces and getting ring-pops stuck in their wigs. The trend will only last as long as people can resist eating the jewelry, but for years afterwards, super rare un-eaten sets will sell for hundreds and there will be posts by eager newbies letting people know they think they saw Angelic Pretty candy necklaces sold at their local gas station, and post pictures asking more experienced Lolitas to identify which candy necklace release it was, but are disappointed to find it's not the real deal, but a regular old replica candy necklace.
Crazy Cat Lady Lolita
With all the releases of cat themed Lolita prints and accessories, soon Crazy Cat Lady Lolita is born, and real cats are brought into the mix. BYOC (bring your own cat!) meetups are held, causing much debate among the communities ranging from "Is it right to force Lolita upon your cat?" "Is it fair to exclude people who are allergic to cats from meetups?", as well as many partially shredded cat prints to pop up on the secondhand sales communities because, yeah, maybe it was a bad idea to get a bunch of strange cats in the same room as expensive Lolita dresses.
Wigs Made Completely From Flowers
While last time I predicted a wig overload trend, this time I predict something a little different. As Lolitas, we're all getting a bit tired of the wig trend, and try to find new ways to decorate our heads without using wigs. Combine this with the resurgence in Classic Lolita, and a need to cover more and more of your head with rose corsages just goes full-circle and soon flower wigs are born. Styled a little bit after the powdered wigs of the past, but made completely out of fake flowers in the perfect color to match your dress! Sweet Lolitas everywhere exclaim "And you said our wigs looked bad?!"
Terrarium Headdresses
I could see this coming from a brand like Victorian Maiden, who actually has an often forgotten about home goods section (ages ago, they actually sold a coffin on it!). I predict that they would originally offer cute little terrariums in their home goods section, but find the stock was just sitting on shelves. So what do they do? Glue them to headbands and decorate with roses, of course! Since this is such an easy DIY project, Lolitas all over make their own versions and Victorian Maiden, unfortunately, hardly sells any, despite the fact that every single Lolita is wearing their own within a week of them hitting the stores! So what do you think of this particular lineup of ridiculous trends? More or less possible than the first batch of them? Personally, I can actually see a few of these happening! Terrarium headdresses don't seem so far out there, and the shoulder armor seems sort of awesome to me.
What sort of trends do you think are ridiculous enough that you want to root for them to become the next big thing? These sorts of posts are so fun, because it seems like even the most ridiculous thing you can think up can totally work! I would love to hear about your ideas on what you think the next big ridiculous trend could be, either in the comments, or in blog posts of your own!
OMG How fabulous is this! I honestly can't pick a favorite! Flower wig, terrarium headdress, pastel bondage.... great round up! Can't wait to see if and when these take off!
ReplyDeleteI saw this picture this morning and was thinking "Hey, pauldrons with Lolita. I want to wear that now..."
And then this article shows up. My life is complete.
The terrarium idea actually sounds kind of cute! I imagine a little glass bottle necklace with plants growing inside.
ReplyDeleteThese new "ridiculous trends" seem more realistic than the first ones, since some of these things are already being done, only in a smaller scale (armor rings, punk brands and their bondage-y items, people bringing pets to meet-ups...)
I like the terrarium idea the most. Because...
A girl in my town makes these adorable necklaces with real cactus babys inside!
You have to water them and when they are grown enough, you can put them in a bigger pot. So I´d love the idea, a terrarium headdress, this necklace and maybe a botanical garden print dress to make it complete ^^
I love the Terrarium Headdress, I think I actually might do that (oh, the mori lolita possibilities!)! Well, okay, maybe not, and I'll possibly stick with terrarium necklaces, but the idea is grand.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm a big fan of shoulder armor anyway, so that's pretty much right up my alley, too. ^^
Anyway, I'm with Shirayuki here, these trend don't seem so inprobable at all. I hope you'll do another prediction post soon, though, I love them.
These all sound somewhat plausible! I love the illustration for Classical Lolita Armor (though I KNOW Brand would NEVER fit my arms and I'd totally have to make my own). I would rock Crazy Cat Lady and a flower wig, though not at the same time because that would just be gauche. Actually, my first thought with the rose wig was "why hasn't Asagi done that yet?" - I could see that becoming a trend in Visual Kei just as easily. *grin*
ReplyDeleteYou are a mind reader. I've brainstorming armor coords for several weeks!
ReplyDeleteOut of this list, I love the "Bondage Pants-style Garter Belt" trend the most. "a pair of bloomers with attached bondage straps and garter belts" YES, PLEASE!!!
ReplyDeleteOddly, I like the flower wig the most. I...could get behind wearing that and I don't wear wigs.
ReplyDeleteI actually made a terrarium headdress once...
ReplyDeleteI hate to say this ,but I think your flower wig idea sounds very cute.
ReplyDeleteI've been looking into the terrarium jewelry and such. They sell mini terrarium necklaces on etsy which would be great for any forest print. And I'd rock Crazy Cat Lady lolita in a heartbeat!
ReplyDeleteFlower wigs and armour FTW! I'm already a crazy cat lady, lol.
ReplyDeleteI could do the Crazy Cat Lady business. I have three, they're all different breeds, and the one feline is a ragdoll, which matches a print or two I've seen on other Lolitas. I don't remember where the dress was from, but it was purple with framed cat pictures on the border (one of which was a ragdoll).
ReplyDeleteI can honestly say I would love to own a Flower Wig. And the armor idea has a lot of potential as well. :)
ReplyDelete��I like them all ��
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see how a wig full made of flower would look! It should be awesome, and BTW if the armor is like this one ( http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv9xodMSjl1r349hno1_500.jpg ) I will absolutely wear it, in fact I've been thinking in gettin something like this for some gothloli coords :)
ReplyDeleteThings that happen at 3am... this is hilarious. xD
ReplyDeleteNow you've made me tempted to try making bondage garters XD. I could see the flower wig working, too, if it were like the hood part of a chainmail coif...
ReplyDeleteI guess a maiden's armour is actually her armour?
ReplyDeleteI could get behind the idea of a flower wig! I would love to try that in a very fancy OTT Classic co-ord, with a voluminous Marie Antoinette-esque wig covered in pale pink roses. I think that could actually look wonderful if pulled off carefully. Maybe something like GLW's Rhapsody wig in white or platinum, teased and pinned up into a giant Rococo puff of hair, and with a few strands interwoven between the flowers like a trellis.
Actually, I think I'm honest-to-god going to try it. I really love this idea!
this is awesome
ReplyDeleteI could dig the Cat Lady thing, but with just buying a whole bunch of cat prints and accessories... my cat is too fluffy not to get his hair all over my stuff... so hes not even allowed near my dresses :P
ReplyDeleteThe crazy cat lady trend totally need to happen.
ReplyDeleteAnother example for Pauldron with lolita:
With Steampunk Lolita it works quite well...
Give me a terrarium headdress now. I shall wear it daily.
ReplyDeleteAah, I've been planning a armor coord for quite some time now, but as armor is expensive I've never really gotten to it hhah uwu'
ReplyDeleteTerrarium headdress actually sounds really cool. lol once I saw a gothic coordinate with an actual small animal skull in the headdress and it looked very good.
ReplyDeleteI can't say I don't think armor!lolis are an amazing idea XDD
ReplyDeleteI've really enjoyed these! :P
I'd completely go for the Crazy Cat Lady thing ♥
ReplyDeleteI can imagine armour turning up at festivals like Whitby or Wave Gothik Treffen where the more Goth of the Gothic Lolitas turn up. It has already actually occured for Cyber-types, with some high end armour-type accessories complete with LED displays are available on the internet at expensive prices! I can also imagine this being done for concept and arty photo-shoots. Cat prints would be really nice, actually, and could be done right -can't imagine any actual ats though.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh.... I love the armor one! A while ago I wanted to do a Skyrim cosplay for an anime con but then I ended up spending a bunch of money on Lolita so I just decided to wear my newest dress instead. I totally want to make loli armor now though!
ReplyDeleteI love all of them. Also the comments are inspirative, the Haenuli girl just rocks and petable cactuses are way awesome! :) I do not know much about armor lolita, but in steampunk and western gothic armor parts are used quite a lot, at least here in Europé. Ophelia Overdose and Razor Candi did some creative photoshoots for company making armor-like corsets made to order. Also, there are Hades steampunk&steel shoes out there, which could be pretty amazing in any lolita style. ^-^v
ReplyDeleteI would love to see some alchymistic lolita accessories, you know, gold and silver and leather and velvet mysterious items, headdress with hidden space for small things or liquer), some curvy shaped glass vials and tubes with strangely coloured liquids, maybe even fluorescent in some cases, some edible and some clearly not, maybe even poison ring or two, some ingrediences in belt-vials like stardust and spiders and herbs and unicorn horn...and at least one Cactus the Pet, cause they are awesome! :D
I already said this on the first post, but I have this crazy idea: the return of Wa Loli, in the form of oiran-inspired "OTT Wa Loli", sparking a debate on whether it's acceptable since "oiran are prostitutes, it makes Lolita look sexual!", some people wearing maiko-inspired hairstyles and outfits instead (geisha-inspired hairstyles would be left out for not being OTT enough).
ReplyDeleteNow I want to draw this. xD
Okay, the armor lolita is pretty cool. It would almost work with all the styles... o.o
ReplyDeletethe cat lady one! then it would only be a matter of time before someone took it to the next level and put a tiny Lolita outfit on their cat. which would be most impressive--have you ever tried to put a bonnet on a cat? um, not that I've ever tried, or anything... of course not...
ReplyDeletePersonally guilty of armour lolita: https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s720x720/543945_574421149252156_135741870_n.jpg
ReplyDeleteHaha, I love most of these ideas! I think I have to make a flower wig now, I also love the terrarium, armour and crazy cat lady lolita!
ReplyDeleteIt's happening! Did anyone else see that Meta is handing out lollipops for Valentines for anyone who spends over 2,100 yen? http://www.metamorphose.gr.jp//resources/c_media/themes/theme_metamo/images/news/2014valentinefair-web.jpg
ReplyDeleteI would go to a Crazy Cat Lady Meetup in a heart beat. >__>
ReplyDeleteIt's been 2 years, but this DIY air plant fascinator reminded me of this post: https://youtu.be/ZpoEenHC5_4
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