A petticoat is a staple of any Lolita wardrobe, and is sometimes the only piece of clothing separating a coordinate from the dreary and unfluffy world of not-Lolita (the horror!). So why be cheap about it? Besides, if you're going to have to wear 3 pettis at once, not to mention have to constantly buy new ones because the tulle ones just never hold up for very long, you're going to end up spending more on tulle petticoats than you would on one chiffon. As a wearer of chiffon petticoats I can say with confidence that they last. I wear mine on a near daily basis and just chuck it in the washer on gentle and it's still just as fluffy as the day I bought it.
Where can you buy these miracle petticoats?
The easiest place to get a hold of them is from Candy Violet. The one I own is the "fluffy petticoat" which is the fluffiest one, the "lace petticoat" is a slightly less fluffy version with lace on the trim. The petticoats sold on Candy Violet are not actually part of her own line of clothing, the secret behind them is that they are simply Malco Modes petticoats, which is a square dance company. The "fluffy" is Malco Modes 582, and the "lace" is 580. If you're thinking of being clever and cutting out the middle man (or rather, lady) and just go straight to the source, good luck with that! You actually aren't going to find these significantly cheaper anywhere else. Although if you have a square dancing shop in your local area you can probably luck out and find the exact same petticoat there and not have to pay shipping.
Candy Violet's "Fluffy Petticoat"
I hear you have to modify these petticoats to make them work?
It really depends. The one I have at least was a little long, about 21 inches, which is exactly as long as many of my skirts, so it was bound to peek out, especially when I sit down. For the first few weeks of wearing I simply rolled the waistband a couple times to get it shorter. But, the waistband is actually adjustable for different lengths. The elastic has a button on it so you can unbutton it and slide it out of the petticoat, and there are actually a number of lines of stitching going along the top that means you can slip the elastic through these channels and make it as long or as short as you need. It only takes about 5 minutes to do this quick mod and it makes a world of difference.
$60 is still expensive! I don't want to deal with tulle, but I don't want to spend a ton. What can I do?
Okay, okay, so if you want to cut corners you can. But, you get what you pay for and it's not as good as the Malco Modes pettis. Sock Dreams sells a Leg Avenue Layered Tulle Petticoat for $35 that is similar to a chiffon petticoat. While not as good as the Malco Mode version it is still typically fluffier than tulle petticoats as well as the fact that it stays fluffy no matter what. As I said though, it is not perfect. First of all, it's short! At about 16 inches long there are a number of bare inches between the end of your petticoat and the hem of your skirt, so if you wear it with a skirt with thin fabric it's going to drape very strangely. The best way to deal with this is to wear an underskirt between the petti and your real skirt. This is going to weigh down a bit on the petti and even out the shape, in most cases making the gap completely unnoticeable. The other downside to the Sock Dreams version is that it is scratchy, so you better plan to wear some bloomers with it, or it's going to be annoying you all day. I have found that my black one was, for some reason, a lot less scratchy than my white one though.So, there you go, why I have no idea what people are talking about when they discuss how to breathe some life back into deflated petticoats. What about the rest of you? What kind of petticoats do you wear? And what do you do when a petticoat gets deflated?
A little petticoat update: In terms of looking for a good chiffon petticoat on the cheap, since writing this article a very good source has popped up! Victoriangirldress on Ebay sells chiffon petticoats in a rainbow of colors for about $24 shipped. But there is a catch: they are only sold in children's sizes, but most could get away with wearing the largest size available (listed as for 13-16 year olds). While I haven't yet had the chance to get my hands on one of these pettis, I have heard from many people that they are indeed very good! Please keep in mind that I am only referring to the petticoats they sell not the dresses in the clothing section, despite how Lolita they may look, they are still children's fancy dress clothes, and unless you're incredibly petite (Pettis stretch quite a bit! Dresses, not so much) I wouldn't suggest trying to use them as a cheap dress source as well.
A little petticoat update: In terms of looking for a good chiffon petticoat on the cheap, since writing this article a very good source has popped up! Victoriangirldress on Ebay sells chiffon petticoats in a rainbow of colors for about $24 shipped. But there is a catch: they are only sold in children's sizes, but most could get away with wearing the largest size available (listed as for 13-16 year olds). While I haven't yet had the chance to get my hands on one of these pettis, I have heard from many people that they are indeed very good! Please keep in mind that I am only referring to the petticoats they sell not the dresses in the clothing section, despite how Lolita they may look, they are still children's fancy dress clothes, and unless you're incredibly petite (Pettis stretch quite a bit! Dresses, not so much) I wouldn't suggest trying to use them as a cheap dress source as well.
Since I wear my petticoats every day and sit down a lot in them I have three different kinds of petticoats depending on what kind of dress, day and situation I am in. My favourites are cheap from a bridal underwear sales person on Y!J. They are also light and easily stacked for different variations of poof. Even though I wear four of them at most, they don't feel heavy. For longer dresses I have an offbrand tulle skirt that gives just a little shape but not much poof. For a-line dresses in style with ETC I have an offbrand tulle skirt that also gives just shape but not much poof. My first set of staple petticoats got worn out after three years of constant everyday wear. I got my second set now this summer and they are holding up just fine.
ReplyDeleteI love Malco Modes. That was the first petticoat I bought over a year ago, the one I've worn the most, and it does not die. It has relaxed slightly, but it I am very happy with it. You do get what you pay for. I also have a black Leg Avenue petti, but that is for when I only want a little bit of poof, or if I'm wearing an all black coordinate, and a white petti peeking out grates my nerves.
ReplyDeleteI found my fluffy petti in a size L on ebay. So it's a good idea to keep an eye on auctions there too - just make sure it's a seller with at least a few good feedbacks. There are also some regular vendors there, that sell them for about $50 last I checked. Good idea if you're afraid the M won't be friendly on your waist.
I love my Malco Mode, but I'd like one a bit more A-line, so I'm thinking about the 580
ReplyDeleteI love my Malco Mode lacy petti! I like the less-poofy A-line shape for casual co-ords (ie what I wear 90% of the time).
ReplyDeleteI have a tulle Bodyline one that not only is short but is pretty flat despite my best efforts. I only wear it under AP skirts that are also short & have a tulle under layer, so its like I'm wearing 2 pettis.
I've owned both the 582 and the 580, and I found that the best shape I could achieve was through wearing both the 580 and a shorter Leg Avenue tulle petticoat underneath. The fluffy petticoat lends an odd shape as it is, and it can be a bit of a handful, but the lacy one is far more manageable for me. I would swear by chiffon petticoats though, I never understood why other lolitas' petticoats would get flattened! Never had that problem.
ReplyDeleteHaha, I'm the same way - I've only ever used chiffon pettis! I flat-out refuse to wear tulle, and always have :P I managed to luck out- I found a perfect black petticoat on eBay as a square dance petticoat for... I believe around $30? And then my white one is a children's-size full petticoat (as in it has no elastic and is held up with shoulder straps and a tank top-style piece that reaches all the way up) that I think I wore on my First Communion and somehow still fits me. Great post, for those who are thinking of making the switch!
ReplyDeleteI found a 582 on Ebay for about $25 with shipping. It took a bit of searching to find one for that cheap (and it's bright pink because I didn't have a choice of colours, but I do love how cute it is!), but it's possible.
ReplyDeleteI layer mine with the 582 on bottom and either a couple of super-fluffy handmade net pettis (most of the stiffness has deflated by now, but I keep adding more material so it's just the layers and layers of net that makes it so fluffy) or a less-fluffy handmade tulle petti. By layering another petti (or two... or three...) on top, it adds even more fluff and gives the correct shape. Also, mine is quite long and I like my skirts quite short (a few inches above the knee), so I rolled up the waistband and saftey pinned it all the way around, which also helps with the shape because the entire top tier is now gone, making it slightly less A-line.
I love my chiffon petti! I always recommend it to anyone who is shopping for a new petti.
I wear chiffon exclusively as well <3
ReplyDeleteConcerning "fixing" a deflated petticoat -- I think they might just mean shake it out? I've found if I leave one of my petticoats on a dress form for too long it the ruffles of the petticoat collapse on themselves and make the petticoat look deflated. All I need to do is shake it out and it expands right back up to it's awesome magnitude of fluff.
Hello Caro! I make my own petticoats, and you're right -- tulle is the one-night stand of petticoat fluffy happiness. They're good for one or two uses, but tend to wilt the longer and more often you wear them. :(
ReplyDeleteI've never tried making one out of chiffon, but I've heard organza makes for everlasting poof. I plan to experiment on this, once a major sewing project of mine is done. :)
I got one chiffon myself, wear it on daily basis. I don't need anything else and i never have to bother about the petti. I can't believe how people put out with three layers of bad pettis when is so much easier to buy one good instead.
ReplyDeleteI use the 582 as well, but layered with a Meta organza one on bottom because otherwise the soft cloud-like fabric likes to get in between my legs. I also like a lot of poof so adding another one gives me just the shape I love. I also have a really nice organza one from AP that I am definitely a fan of. But I have probably a good 12-14 pettis, all told, so I switch it up a lot. But the chiffon Malco Modes one is the one I wear almost every day.
ReplyDeleteI have a few poly-cotton petticoats. They also dont loose their fluff. The tulle ones I had were really deflated after only 1 time of using D:
ReplyDeleteI have to stop reading this blog because I spent the whole noon doing that and not repairing my pc! >_< You're a drug!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this super lolita guides! *w*
Thank you for the awesome compliment! You should probably fix your PC or you won't be able to read anymore XD
ReplyDeleteI will often wear a cotton slip thing I made a long time ago under my petti too because yeah, these petticoats do like to go where they please XD
ReplyDeleteYour petticoat count is insane! I only have 2 at the moment and I can barely stand having to store them! I don't know how you do it.
XD The one night stand of petticoats is the perfect way to describe tulle ones! Good luck making an organza one, I've also heard they last forever, it sounds like a lot of tough work ahead of you though. I think I would pass out from all the ruffling and gathering that would need to be done!
ReplyDeleteWell, I only have quite so many because of fashion shows and the like...but I do have a lot in general anyway. I have two dresser drawers devoted to them! ;)
ReplyDeleteYeah that's all I've found I need to do to fix a chiffon one as well.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment, I love your hats :D Your skull adorned tricorns are just gorgeous. Haha, I've been trying to hunt down some skulls to add to an epic bonnet I have planned.
Ooh that's such a good deal! I might have to go try to hunt down some because I really want some pettis in different colors besides black and white.
ReplyDeleteHaha, the few tulle pettis that I've ended up with (as free gifts to go with skirts) were always so laughable compared to chiffon pettis. I recall putting them on and thinking "WTF? It doesn't even look like I'm wearing it!"
ReplyDeleteAmazing that your First Communion petti still fits you! Also pretty amazing that it's a dress/petti thing, those are so cool and I've always wanted one so I don't have to worry about undershirts too XD
I actually do the exact same thing, except with the LA one over it to give it a perfect cupcake shape! I tend to like my skirts made very full but I do have a few where the 580 has a noticable odd A-line shape, I think it's when the skirt's not too full or the fabric is very thin. I might have to pick up the 582 sometime though!
ReplyDeleteYou do wear a wide variety of differently poofed skirts, so I imagine that tulle ones and layering work very well for you! Glad to hear yours lasted so long, that's about how long, and how much wear, my Leg Avenue chiffon one lasted. Actually, it still had life in it but one of the tiers ripped and I was too lazy to sew it, so I gave it to a friend, who was also too lazy to sew it... so she stapled it back together XD
ReplyDeleteI don't have petticoat woes yet simply because I don't own a proper petticoat. I like a bit of flair in my lolita, but no super poof, so currently I wear a super -underskirt of lightweight fabric to make my skirts flair out a bit. I'm sure it'll also work great to add the proper shape when the day comes that I DO get a real petticoat, but for not I'm satisfied.
ReplyDeleteIf you search for "square dance peticoat" or "chiffon petticoat" you will get a lot more hits than if you just search for the brand or style. You'll have to do more sifting, but sometimes a really nice MM582 will pop up for cheap without any indication of the brand in the title of the listing, so it does not come up under the brand with a search.
ReplyDeleteI'm the opposite -- I'd really like a plain white petti, but my pink one does the job just fine!
Happy searching!
Well, I'm a man and a dandy so I don't wear petticoats, but I come from an area where square dancing is quite popular. I actually got shunned at a loli panel at a con in Chicago once for suggesting the petticoats from square dancing shops, with the people running the panel INSISTING they're not the same thing at ALL- however, my roommate has inherited one of my mother's square dancing petticoats and it gives her more poof than the petticoats she's gotten from brand shops. It's made of very nice chiffon. I can't give a brand though, as it was hand sewn by one of the gals in the local square dancing community my mother attended.
ReplyDeleteThat's not fair that they shunned you for that! But, to be fair the average Square Dance petti looks like this http://www.rivercitydancers.net/images/petticoat.gif and is not even going to fit under a Lolita skirt, and if it did would give a completely wrong shape. Still though, they certainly shouldn't have shunned you for making a suggestion!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Your hats and headdresses are really lovely as well :D
ReplyDeleteHave you been to the furehideandbone community on LJ? They frequently have skulls for decent prices. A bonnet with skulls on it sounds awesome -- can't wait to see how it turns out!
: O thank you for that info! I'd just been looking around etsy and googling and have only been able to find tiny things like sparrow skulls!
ReplyDeleteAh! I've been going crazy trying to find a petticoat that actually does what it's supposed to! My petticoats are a bit dead... I might get that one you linked on Candy Violet... Thank you so much for posting this! :)
ReplyDeleteI looked on the Candy Violet website and it said the petti was only 19.5" long but you said yours was 21"? How can you get a different length? I'd actually WANT mine to be 21 inches, that would be perfect for me, so I'm curious.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure! She might be measuring from the bottom channel though, so 19.5 would be the shortest you could make it. You can always email her about it!
ReplyDeleteAh I see. I actually did some investigation and found that the smallest size is 19.5" The biggest is actually 23" long. What I can't find, however, is when the pettis get longer, if the actual gathered chiffon area gets longer, or the yoke non-poofy area just gets longer. Because I'm tall, so I'd need the actual poofy chiffon area to be getting longer. Even searching EGL didn't bring up much. I guess I'm just worried on how to make it quite cupcake shaped even though it's a square-dancing petti. Even the rolling of the hem (most common advice on EGL) only seems to make it slightly less a-line from the pictures I've seen, unlike a lot of pettis made for lolita, which is why I was wondering if there was any way to take some of the fullness from the bottom and put it on the top somehow... but I have no idea how. O_o But I only have a tulle petti now and I HATE it. I feel like I have to be paranoid just sitting down to not deflate it, and who wants that? And it's lumpy! Yuck!
ReplyDeleteIt's probably a combination of both that get longer. If you're want the petti to be even more cupcakey, a lot of people either do one of 2 things, wear a shorter chiffon petti with it (The leg avenue one I linked is perfect for this, it seems to fit in the not-so-poofy area perfectly, this is what I do). Or, the way to do this without owning 2 pettis is to take the first layer of chiffon and safety pin, or even just tuck it into the waistband. Even though these are technically A-line pettis they are so fluffy anyways that it doesn't really matter, I rarely ever do the 2 petti trick, just when I want to feel completely OTT. Especially if you're wearing a very gathered skirt or one that has a built in petti, sometimes even just the gathering is enough to give the final look a cupcake shape. I've found that only really heavy fabrics like velvet, or dresses that are already A-line (as in, no waist seam, just 4 long dress shaped panels all the way around) are the only things that really look A-line with this petti.
ReplyDeleteThat's great to know, thanks! I don't want OTT poof, just cupcake, so I might try your safety pin trick! I hope I wouldn't manage to stab myself when sitting down though! ^-^
ReplyDeleteDo you think it's a good idea to try to make your own? I could buy a few yards of Chiffon at the fabric store and sew them like you would a layered skirt. Thin chiffon is pretty cheap, it wouldn't cost as much as buying one. I'm low on money, I can barely afford bodyline. ^^'
ReplyDeleteIt might be more trouble than it's worth, a chiffon petticoat like this apparently needs something like 45 yards of hem or something like that, so unless your chiffon is very very cheap it would probably cost a similar price. But, if you have the skills, the patience, and know where to get a whole lot of chiffon for super cheap then it might be worth a shot!
ReplyDeleteThere are lots of comments on here though of people saying they've picked up a used petticoat just like this on ebay for as low as $20
Ah, okay! I bet can scrape up some money then. I didn't think about ebay, I usually see ita-wear there. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI have four pannier thesedays (^_^) first two are organdie types from Meta, a short black one and a slightly longer one in white. After that I thought I'd get a nice tulle one with a lace trim from Babyssb, and last year when getting basics I went for a short white organdie one from Innocent World. After a certain amount of hours of wear, sitting for a while, they end up looking more sharply pleated than gathered (>.>) so, I just iron them XD curve the frill over the end of the ironing board, and steam iron it back into shape. As long as its a precise and brief sweep over(with not too much pressure), it does no harm (>_<) cats with sharp claws sleeping on organdie pannier do more harm than ironing(why do cats think organdie makes lovely bedding *grumbles* all three of them too). The iron works for the tulle as well. I try the upside down on a coathanger thing~y too, but I'm not sure if it makes any difference(but, I guess its probably better as storage than squished in a drawer or box). I usually wear the tulle as a base(I guess to retain the shape), then layer however many of the pannier as I feel I need for whichever dress. Theres only one or two dresses I wear all four with, usually its three for most outfits, and for more casual its just the tulle(lace trim adds length to shorter skirts) with one organdie. Very rarely will I wear only the one organdie pannier (O.o) and its usually with that Babyssb babydoll jumperskirt(looks awful with too much flumpfh, and weird with no flumpfh to my eyes). I think the Meta pannier are bordering on five years old (o_O) only one slight tear in the black one(maybe a centimetre and a bit wide, a bit down from the waistband), and I blame the Ellie~monster(and possibly the Willow~monster too) for coming into my bedroom, padding the pannier, then falling asleep on it(but, I should have hung it up, instead of dumping it on my bed then forgetting).
ReplyDeleteYou just convinced me to try the Malco Modes 582, but I won't be getting it from Candy Violet because I'm plus sized and she only carries the smallest size. After some research, I found an online square dancing shop that sells it in a wide variety of sizes. I'll be ordering it ASAP.
ReplyDelete*sits and starts waiting for the mailman*
A friend of mine gave me her Coquette petti when she couldn't fit it, and it's invincible. However, the sad days before that, I wore self-made tulle pettis. They do give you a good excuse to conduct an impromptu group butt-shake though. "Guys, my petti deflated." "OMG PETTI SHAKE DANCE TIME."
ReplyDeleteEvery cloud and their silver lining ;)
Alass my petti coat is cheap and flat. T3T I just try fluffing it in a dryer. It works until the wheight of the skirt flatons it again. I need a good one soon. Until than my big ass will have to do the trick.
ReplyDeleteI would be very cautious purchasing from a square-dancing shop. Most of the petticoats for square-dancing are too flared to really have the cupcake lolita shape.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the problem is the amount of poof, but rather the shape of the poof. Square-dancing petticoats don't have the common cupcake-like lolita shape.
ReplyDeleteas long as it's the same model (malco modes 582) it shouldn't matter if it's purchased from a square dancing shop or a lolita shop -- being from a different shop won't magically make the petticoat different :p
ReplyDeleteMalco Modes petticoat 582 is a very bad recommendation for a Lolita petticoat. I bought one after reading this article, and the shape is completely wrong. The petticoat provides no fullness at the top of the skirt and too much at the bottom, giving the skirt or dress a typical square dance silhouette (A-line with the bottom flaring up). I would rather have to layer 2 petticoats and 2 skirts under my dress to get a good cupcake look than wear a petticoat that makes my dress look like a square dance costume.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you don't like them! Have you moved the elastic down or worn a shorter petti over this one? I understand that this is an A-line petti and not all Lolitas like the A-line shape but that really doesn't mean that A-line = square dance costume :/
ReplyDeleteI agree that A-line doesn't necessarily equal square dance costume. It's the fact that the petticoat causes the skirt to flare up at the bottom that makes it look very off.
ReplyDeleteI managed to make the petticoat look better by pinning the top layer of tulle up on the waistband to make a short layer above a longer layer. I asked on the LiveJournal EGL community how to fix the problem, and this was the solution they gave me. It works all right, but it was a big hassle, and makes the waist band much less stretchy. I was disappointed because your article made this petticoat sound like a perfect solution, and I wasn't expecting to have to modify it.
I'm sorry if I oversold something that disappointed you! Mine must just be the perfect length for me or something because honestly I don't think I have that problem with mine. Again, I'm really sorry that you don't like the petti! I know a lot of do have it and like it, so I feel like I've let you down or something XD
ReplyDeleteI have to second the Candy Violet/Malco Modes petticoat suggestion. I swear, I could put mine under cement blocks and it would still poof XD
ReplyDeleteI thought that I may mention that I found the exact same petticoat from Candy Violet (Malco Modes 582) at Amazon, for... A dollar and 5 cents less. So... Yes. ._.'
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thank you for this post! I'm very new to the Lolita fashion, so it was very helpful. I think I'm going to find and buy a new petticoat now. ^-^'
I would say go with the lace one if you don't want it to be too much, because the fluffy one definitely can be too much poof if you're not used to it!
ReplyDeleteI wear the fluffy one with every style I wear, Classic, Sweet, Gothic, and the times i venture into Punk and whatnot as well. I just really like extra poofy skirts XD There's no real "rule" that classic always has to be less poofy, it's really up to you.
I really hope you read this because I am stuck on which petticoat I should get.
ReplyDeleteI don't own a petticoat yet and reading your article makes me think I have found the perfect one.
There's just one problem: I don't know wether I should get a lace or a fluffy one.
I wear classic lolita so I think I need a lace one but I'm not sure.
I definatly don't want it to be 'to much', I think that's more for sweet :)
Also, your blog is the best lolita blog by far.
I love to lurk here and the stuff you write is very useful!
Hi! I find most Classic styles tend to be A-line, not cupcake shape, and the Malco Modes 580 has a nice amount of fluff, but its still Aline and elegant. also, if the petticoat happens to peek out of your skirt suddenly, all people will see is lace! Sadly it comes in black, white or red. I wish they made more colors. You will not be disappointed with the 580 for Classic or Casual styles
DeleteI dont have petticoat woes as of yet, I have a cheap (halloween coustume) peticoat-thing. So I don't expect too much of it and havent been disapointed because realy it was not intended for lolita >.<;;
ReplyDeleteI have heard of some tips from my local lolita comunity, one of the members said she puts her petticoats on an opened upbrella and starches them untill they are fluffy enough.
I havent tried it myself,becuase im terribly new to lolita, but it sounds like a good enough idea....
I was planning on have this tailored for myself. & I'm not sure if the tailor knows how to do a petticoat like this.
ReplyDeleteI just want to ask, how does this fluffy petticoat looks inside out?And, how's the fabric sewn together?I hope you'd respond to my comment! Thanks! :D
I'm going to make one. Use a few layers of organza, or what ever you want to use. if you are on a small budget like me, try using old lace curtains. double them up and add a waistband. that way you can make it to fit. lace curtains cost very little if you get them second hand. a god wash and a little bleach is recomened if they are stained.
ReplyDeleteHi, I´d just like to ask how heavy a chiffon petti is. Since the poof is achieved by so many layers of tulle, I imagine it must be pretty heavy. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteI just ordered my own fluffy. This is a great article - thanks for the advice!
ReplyDeleteI also found an even cheaper one on ebay for $53.75. It is the same Malco Modes Brand #582 as the one above. I think shipping is only $5 and change. I still think that is WAY too expensive so I'm going to make my own petticoat. If only I had a ruffler for my sewing machine . . .
ReplyDeletei'm new to lolita, and im planning on asking for a dress+boots for christmas, im planning on getting http://www.milanoo.com/Green-Square-Neck-Short-Sleeves-Cotton-Womans-Lolita-Dress-p202468.html this dress, and im just wondering which petticoat would be best for the dress and me? i'd rather not spend over about £30.. also i saw in a previous comment the petticoat you have isnt very cupcakey? but i'd kinda need cupcakey for this dress right... please help me out, thank you!<3
ReplyDeleteMilanoo is well known for being a scam website.(bad sizing, not getting what you ordered, crap-tastic quality, etc) I can't quite help you with the petticoat, but just avoid milanoo.
DeleteSo that Cheap one on ebay... Is that bell shaped?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I saw this on Etsy:
Do you think it'll work? I really don't want to waste money on a petti that a) doesn't fit my bell shaped dresses and b) deflates in a day. -.-
The petticoat you recommend looks very nice, however most of my dresses are bell shaped, not a-line. Do you have a recommended bell shaped petticoat?
ReplyDeleteLook out for something like this: http://www.my-lolita-dress.com/classical-puppets-bell-shape-lolita-petticoat-cp-46
DeleteI bought onefrom Victoriangirldress but the shape it gives my lolita dresses doesn't look right, do I need to do something to make it give the right shape?
ReplyDeleteYou can actually get malcomodes pettis direct from the company on ebay with free shipping (that's 10 dollars less than anywhere else). Of course, that's only if you live in the U.S. .
ReplyDeleteA cheap petti option for those in Australia is Swing Dance. Though I haven't had experience with them myself, I've heard decent things about them.
Edit: The Australian company is called Spin Dance.
DeleteThere's an easy way to revive a petticoat wich is putting it in a bag and squishing it, the biggest mistake managing tulle is iron it or trying to make it completely straight and that only flattens the petticoat.
ReplyDeleteYou can buy a Malco Modes 582 direct from the company now? http://www.malcomodes.biz/petticoats-petticoats-Jennifer-p/582.htm
ReplyDeleteIs Classical Puppet any good?
ReplyDeleteI recommend to all Lolitas that they should search for petticoats in antique shops. I own one serious petticoat, and I bought it at a wonderful little antique shop in Seymour, CT for 30 dollars. Just a good old fashioned crinoline petti that can be shortened for every day lolita, and lengthened for more tea length dresses!
ReplyDeleteRight now Malco Modes don't use number anymore, just names: which ones would be the correspondents to the Candy Violet ones? Also, would you have any updates to the list for nowadays?
ReplyDeleteIf you look at the Malco Modes site, even though they have the names for the petticoats, it does still say the model number at the top under the price (it's called Product Code). So, 582 is now named Jennifer. I'm not sure about the other one.
DeleteHi! I am in the process of making a peti myself. I was wondering if you could tell me how many layers there are in the Malco Modes 582?
ReplyDeleteYour blogs are really good and interesting. It is very great and informative. I am only referring to the petticoats they sell not the dresses in the clothing section, despite how Lolita they may look, abogados de accidentes, I got a lots of useful information in your blogs. Keeps sharing more useful information in your blogs..
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The blog post on "Petticoat Woes and Why I Don't Have Them" by fyeahlolita.com is a candid and insightful exploration of the challenges and choices within the Lolita fashion community. The author's personal anecdotes and reflections provide a unique perspective on the role of petticoats in Lolita fashion. Fyeahlolita.com's honest portrayal of the struggles and triumphs in maintaining a distinctive style adds depth to the narrative. The blog encourages a nuanced understanding of fashion choices and fosters a sense of camaraderie among those who share similar experiences. Overall, it's an engaging and relatable piece that resonates with enthusiasts and curious readers alike.
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This post was such an insightful read! I really appreciate how you explained the different types of petticoats and how they affect the silhouette – it’s super helpful for someone like me who's still figuring things out. Your tips make it so much easier to avoid those dreaded "petticoat woes." Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences so generously! 😊
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The "Petticoat Woes and Why I Don’t Have Them" post on F Yeah Lolita offers a relatable and insightful take on dealing with petticoats. It explores the challenges many face with these undergarments, such as discomfort or the hassle of constant readjustment, and highlights personal experiences and tips for managing them. The author’s approach to finding the right fit and understanding the importance of petticoats in achieving the perfect Lolita look is both practical and entertaining. It’s a useful read for anyone looking to tackle petticoat issues while maintaining style and comfort.
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