
Happy Blogaversary!

Yesterday this blog celebrated it's one year anniversary :D When I first started this blog, or even before then when I was sitting around in my friend RayRay's room talking about starting a blog I never imagined it would have come this far, or have been this successful. Of course, I secretly hoped it would XD but seeing it actually happen has been a very pleasant surprise.

Not only has my blogs birthday just past, but a few weeks ago my hit counter has also passed the 250,000 mark and my followers have just reached above 500. That's a quarter of a million hits and a hell of a lot of followers!

To celebrate all of these milestones, and a way of saying thank you to all my readers I want to do something special. I sadly haven't really had time to get a giveaway in order to announce in this post, but stay tuned for one in the next week or so.

Until then, I'll also be having a sale on my Etsy shop and giving 10% off to readers of my blog. Just include the code "F Yeah Birthday" with your payment and I'll refund 10% of the price before shipping. This sale will last until August 14th, and I hopefully plan on updating my shop with a few new things before then!

Lolita means a lot to me for a lot of different reasons. Quite some years ago it started to mean more to me than just frilly clothes that looked pretty and started to mean a lot to me in my personal lifestyle. It has, somewhat recently, even begun to transcend things like having Lolita-appropriate hobbies and decorating with a Lolita touch. It now has managed to take root firmly in my heart and it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling just to think about some Lolita things. Older volumes of Lolita mooks and certain styles and cuts of dresses have now taken on a nostalgic feel for me, which is probably why I've so recently been interested in acquiring old school pieces, especially pieces that were released when I first discovered the fashion some 8 years ago.

The Lolita fashion and lifestyle has changed me quite a bit in the past few years, and I'm really glad that I started this blog to share what I've learned and what I love with all of you! It's been a great year, and even though over the past few months my posts haven't been as frequent as they sometimes are, I hope to make it to another Fuck Yeah Blogaversary!


  1. Fuck yeah! Happy birthday!

    I love this blog so much. I recommend your articles to people all the time. You are so talented and I have learned so much about lolita following your blog. Thanks so much!

  2. Happy Birthday and Congrats!
    I look forward to following your blog for many years to come n_n

  3. happy blogversary!!

  4. Happy birthday! <3
    I hope you'll keep up the great work ^^

  5. Congratulations! It's awesome that you've not only grown such a successful blog in so little time, but also that you have been able to create a successful business from it, too!

  6. Congratulations!
    Its realy nice that the lolita comunity grow up that much in all the cuntries <3.
    Have fun, enjoy, and keep bloggin ;D

  7. Congratultions!
    Hopefully there are many more anniversarys to come^^

  8. So, would this count as a happy birthday? :P
    D'AAAWWW. ._. Can't use coupins (Yes, coupins) on commissions. BOO. Oh well.
    I WANT MY BONNET. I'm like so excited, I'm right chomping the bit for it. Haha. :3
    Anyway! Congrats on your one year blogging. <3

  9. Aw, happy anniversary to you too!
    I love that chibi lolita- did you draw her, or was she drawn for you?

  10. congrats ^^ happy blog birthday :3

  11. Happy blog day and congratulation for so many readers and followers ^___^
    Keep up blogging it's always nice to read your entries and hope to see much more in future ^^

  12. Congrats! I just celebrated Pretty Wonderland's one year anniversary on Tuesday! ^.^ It's a great feeling to reach that one year mark, isn't it?
    I enjoy reading your blog and always look forward to your posts.

  13. Congratulations! :D

  14. Congratulations! I hit the one year mark on my blog on Wednesday and I celebrated with a double chocolate cupcake. Doesn't it feel great to follow through on something that makes you happy? Keep up the good work!

  15. Hi there! I have been viewing your blog for a while now but I am quite shy and so I have never commented on here before.

    I just wanted to congratulate you on reaching your anniversary. I only started my blog in June so I am still relatively new to lolita blogging :) I don't think I could ever come up with a blog as brilliant as this one but I am going to do my very best and work hard!

    lots of love
    Luna Rain xxx

  16. I'm so bad for not checking my blog roll lately. I also wanted to thank you for commenting on my blog. Happy belated first blog anniversary! I wish you many, many more.

  17. Congratulations with your Blogaversary!!!
    Your blog was one of the first Lolitablogs I read and you have inspired me so much!
    I always love your entries!
    Please don't stop writing~! ^^
