Calling All Crafty Lolitas: Huge Tutorial List!

I recently compiled a particularly huge list of tutorials and posted them on one of my blog's permanent pages (Have you ever noticed them? They are over to the left under "About"!). The tutorials range from sewing projects, to crafting your own accessories, to making fancy things to decorate your Lolita life with. They also range in difficulty from absolute beginner to intermediate, so with a little practice they're all relatively easy to master. You can pretty much put together a whole Lolita wardrobe with the tutorials listed here!

Click here for the great big list of Lolita tutorials

Of course, I'm going to be adding more to this list as I find it, so if you happen to have a tutorial you have made, or know of a good one, I would be very interested in knowing about it so that I could possibly add it! I won't be adding every single tutorial I come across (I'm not looking to be the new Google!) just ones that are strictly Lolita related and have clear and easy to follow instructions.

How much of your wardrobe have you made yourself? I have to say that, sadly, very little of mine is made by me! I'm not very handy with a sewing machine, so besides my bonnets and a few pieces of jewelry, my wardrobe is either bought from a shop, or made by people much much more skilled than I am. Gathering up all of these tutorials has really inspired me to try my hand at sewing once again though, especially after reading through this tutorial on how to make a Lolita dress! Or maybe I'll try my hand at making resin jewelry?


  1. AH! New tutorials(or one's I have never seen lol)! I've made most of my wardrobe, and taught myself to sew with tutorials on the intarwebz! Thanks for the new list :)

  2. I've made all of my Lolita wardrobe (minus socks and shoes of course ^^) and I'm always trying new crafty stuff and posting tutorials. I'm never sure how easy they are to follow, or even how Lolita, but you might find something worth putting on your list.

  3. I'm a sewing loli, but I'm just beginning to construct my wardrobe, so this list of tutorials will be invaluable! Thank you so much for gathering it. ^^

  4. Yes! Fabulous! Thank you!

  5. Broken Biffle MachineJuly 29, 2010 at 9:24 PM

    For washing garments:
    Another tutorial round-up, I think you've covered most of the same tutorials, but just in case:
    Boater hat/can-can hat:

    I love resource lists <3 Thank you so much for doing this!

  6. Mademoiselle ParapluieJuly 29, 2010 at 10:20 PM

    I have done a lot of my wardrobe. Most of my dresses, some bonnets and other headgear. This weekend I'm plannin to have a sewing day. I have to make a striped bustle skirt and start a bolero.

  7. i wanna hug u so much for the tutorial list ^^ around half my lolita wardrobe is made by me , but mine is very small XD

  8. I love you! for making that list! I was making one myself in word with all the tuts I could find but yours is waaaayy more bigger :D thanks!

  9. Thank you so much for this list ! \*o*/

  10. Great list. I'll be sure to employ it regularly!

  11. Great list!

    I'd like to point out that the best ressource for learning how to knit is

  12. Thank you very much for this collection! I can't wait to try some of the sewing tutorials! Especially the Steampunk/ Kodona trousers are great, I've been searching for such a tutorial since, like ever.

  13. wow, i can't wait to dig through this list of wonders.


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