
Baby, what is this!?

I was checking out one of Baby's blogs this morning and noticed this. Now, I do know what this is, sort of. In gal fashion, at the moment, wearing a little twisted headband thing that sort of resembles bunny ears or a funny bow is trendy right now, but why is Baby making  their own, really awkward, version of these headbands? I have no idea XD while the gal version of this headband can look cute, check out this tutorial by Violet LeBeaux if you're interested, Baby's version just look silly. I would love to be proven wrong though, who knows? Maybe this looks awesome worn, but I'm not getting my hopes up!

Digi pointed out to me that these are called Usamimi, and below is a picture of what they are supposed to look like. Just goes to prove that Lolitifying everything isn't always best XD
Pic taken off of google,after I learned the name for the headbands.
So sorry, but I don't know where this pic is from!

Oh, Baby, why do you do this to me?


  1. Always looks like bunny ears, but hey - brand is brand :P

  2. They are called usamimi ^^ Usa(gi)=bunny + mimi=ears. I think they're very cute, but not in Lolita.

  3. I'm not feeling it -_-);;

    It;s like they put scraps to use now.

  4. I love usamimi scarves, gals looks really cute with them! I think they can be a cute accesory in a Lolita outfit, too. Maybe in a casual one. Anyway, I like it ^^

  5. I think it could look cute if the "ears" were worn down, not up. It would be another headbow variant.

  6. It reminds me of back in the 80s/90s back in the hood...

  7. Their all around Japan right now, including gyaru. I think Baby is silly for thinking we'd pay ¥XXXX for theirs when we can already get a similar one for a few hundred yen at daichu...

  8. I really like this! From what i can see anyway. I always wear bandanas/headscarfs when not in loli. Should probably shut up now :P

  9. :D Thank you for linking my tutorial! I agree though, they are kind of cute... but definitely best left with Gyaru not Lolita >_<

  10. Ho'dude, I saw these earlier today and frankly, I'm in love with them. XD
    It might work more with casual lolita though. I can't really imagine it working with anything beyond that. ...Maybe kuro x shiro in their respective colors but sweet or otherwise might look a bit silly.

  11. Wow.... I knew these were the new trend, not just for Gal, but for the main stream Claire's shopper, but Baby just shouldn't have done that. It looks cheep and bandwagon-ish.

  12. :(
    I hate these in general anyway, and this one is particularly horrid. Do not want.

  13. Just...Ew.

    Baby, please stick to what you're good at!

  14. I thought it was that sort of ribbon thingy they put on cartoon characters when they have toothache xDDD

  15. Japan has this hideous, 70's floral-print jumpsuit-plus-accessories rage going right now. It makes all women look like incredibly unhip grannies. It's definitely not just a gal thing, and it looks ridiculous on everyone. Those headbands, though, are awesome. I bought one today, they stay up and shape really well. If you get a simple one, they're great for a vintage 50's look.

  16. Lol, I know what you mean about that rage. I can see it in the shops around me over here, halfway across the world from Japan (proving if nothing else that pretty much all designers are constantly stealing from Japanese current fashion and pretending it was their idea, even though probably the Japanese designers stole it too). It really is hideous.

    I imagine it looks better on a slender Japanese girl than a rich-figured British woman, though. >__>

  17. They could be cute, but not tied, with a headband. And in plain colors or plaid.

  18. aww... i love wearing this. (now i know it is called usamimi, lol..) but never knew it can be part of lolita as well. it's suitable for every day wear anyway..
