
Gothic & Sweet Photos

Well, May has clearly been the month of unannounced hiatus for F Yeah Lolita! I have a handful of posts halfway, or even nearly finished, waiting to go up, but May has just been a bit busy. I did have time to get together with my friend Janet and take some pictures in a park though!

I recently did a bit of a closet clearing, selling off some things that I rarely wore or never ended up suiting me and buying something new and shiny with the profit. And that new and shiny thing is Baby's Alice Portrait JSK in black. I love this print! Not just because of the vertical stripes, which is something I think Lolita needs a whole lot more of, but also because of the Alice themed portraits in big gilt frames along the bottom. Despite the vague Alice theme, the print is very Classical, and almost Gothic looking. But that could very well be because I chose the black version, of course.

Janet and I, making a not-so-lopsided looking heart. I had to do some... post production dye touch-ups because neither of us had bothered to dye our hair anytime recently.

I've been having fun playing around with Photoshop Actions, so I made a couple pictures from that day look antiquey.

A standard "doll pose", arms straight out, toes in, staring blankly ahead! Yes, it's a silly pose, but I like it. It's old school style XD

Janet, admiring the trees, and also protecting herself and her parasol from the sprinkling of rain we were getting. We were afraid to get it wet, since it was brand new and not all brand parasols are meant to double as umbrellas.

I was carrying a parasol as well. Actually, mine was an umbrella. It's a black umbrella with a badass curved wooden handle and a whole lot of red roses along the edge, so when it's closed it looks like bouquet!

Outfit rundowns, for the curious.

JSK: Baby, The Stars Shine Bright
Bolero: Vintage with lace I sewed on it
Bonnet: Handmade, by me :D
Parasol: Offbrand
Shoes: Offbrand

JSK & Bow: Baby, The Stars Shine Bright
Bolero: Offbrand
Parasol: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Bodyline


  1. The photo's are lovely and your rose parasol sounds so fab! Who wouldn't die for one that double as a bouquet! :D

  2. Damn you, you've made me lust after Alice Portrait now. >_<

  3. Love it!! That print is so great, I'm totally jealous~ bangin' umbrella/parasol too!

  4. I love ur bonnet and nice photos :3

  5. You both look lovely! I'm so fond of that print, it looks so elegant on you!

  6. I dyed my hair so it's one color again, those pics were pretty shocking XD
    I love that last pic of you! I am quite the photographer~

  7. I'm curious. What you were wearing was more like a cardigan, right? Boleros are short to mid sleeved and cut to the mid section of your body while cardigans fall below your waist and have long sleeves...? I'm not sure, am I incorrect?

  8. -and also you have such a cute friggin' face. My fiance and I noticed in your doll picture because it reminded us of a mischievous kitten. <3

  9. :3 Thank you very much!

    It actually is a bolero, bolero's can have short or long sleeves, but they usually have short. This looks cardigan length probably because the waist on my JSK is a little above my actual waist. Plus, the extra lace probably adds another inch to it, so it's really more like short jacket length XD

  10. Gothic & Sweet Photos delivers a captivating blend of dark aesthetics and enchanting charm that truly sets their work apart. Their photography effortlessly marries the edginess of gothic elements with the sweetness of ethereal beauty, resulting in striking visuals that leave a lasting impression. The attention to detail and creative composition in each photograph is nothing short of exceptional. Whether capturing the allure of gothic fashion or the delicate allure of a sweet, romantic scene, Gothic & Sweet Photos demonstrates a remarkable ability to evoke emotion and tell a unique visual story. Their portfolio is a testament to their artistry, making them a standout choice for those seeking photography that transcends convention and embraces a truly distinctive style.
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